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How does the specification of Chinese vinyl plank flooring affect the selection?
 Mar 08, 2023|View:925

The specifications for Chinese vinyl plank flooring are based on thickness, width, and length. The thickness is typically 8 mm to 12 mm and the length is around 1000-1200. The width is divided into the wide board, narrow board, and standard. At the time of our purchase, did the different specifications of Chinese vinyl plank flooring make any difference?

Chinese vinyl plank flooring

First of all, we have to understand the difference in specifications, standard specifications are generally produced in Europe, and the wide and narrow plate is derived from domestic flooring manufacturers to meet market demand. Not to mention the standard specifications, wide boards look more generous and have fewer seams, while narrow boards are cheaper and more stable. In terms of thickness, to put it bluntly, when you buy Chinese vinyl plank flooring, there is no need for thickness and the impact on foot feel is minimal. In the purchase, strengthening the floor specification is only an auxiliary purchase standard, but also needs to be considered from the economy, use, and color, so that you can choose a more suitable floor.

Of course, when purchasing Chinese vinyl plank flooring, it is recommended that you purchase from a more secure vendor.

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